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Episode 8// Guided Body Scan Meditation

​A gentle guided body scan meditation for beginners or humans eager to check-in and reconnect with their mind, body and energy.

Meditation is not about stopping or controlling thought. It’s a valiant act of self-care and supports your evolution as a human being. Meditation is about presence and connection to your source (heart, truth, breath, life).

Simply notice any thoughts and inhale into your nose and out through your mouth as you let them go and come back to where you are (it is so safe to do this). Allow your thoughts to co-exist with your meditation as you bring more awareness to your breath.

If you enjoyed this meditation, I would love to hear from you over on the gram or in the comments below! I feel energised and inspired to share MORE when I hear from you guys!


Listen on Spotify or iTunes.


Ellen combines personal development, healing, and physical performance as a coach and athlete through her online program Heal Her and inside her women’s performance facility located in Newcastle Australia. Her work and story speak volumes to her capacity to support, lead and lift women to reconnect to their radiance, and overcome their mental, emotional, social, familial and spiritual challenges.

Connect with Ellen (The Holistic PT):


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