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Retreat Facilitation & Embodied Space Holding

G'day, I'm Ellen.


I've curated sacred community & guided women for almost a decade.

I’ve spent the past decade in service to my inner healing and facilitating endless initiations and cycles of death and rebirth with sisters, clients, and communities alike.


I think and feel deeply and carry perspectives that have been layered in through both deep and rich, yet truly gnarly and sacred experiences.

One thing that has always held me dearly throughout my journey, is the medicine of story and experiences shared uninhibited by walls. I find a sense of belonging and deep strength in the willingness of another to bring their heart center stage

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What I do.


Every year I facilitate a 9-month embodied healing experience with a built-in 5-day Retreat. 

This is the core of my life's work outside of my 1:1 Retreats & Mentoring, and the Circle of Life Substack & Podcast where the initiations, insights, and wisdom afforded to me by my work, are translated into words, stories, and medicine for all to tap into and experience.

Heal Her is a 9-month embodied healing program that initiates and guides women through rites of passage and offers them a return and reclamation of their innate healing capacity. 


return journey to the depths of who they are and what they need to learn.


 the lessons needed on their journey to wholeness.

The work is remembering and invoking the innate wisdom and insight available to all human beings when the space is made available, the waters cleared, and the inner world activated.


It is a safe, rich, and intimate experience for women to explore deeply, journey, and lift out the shadows.

Heal Her 2023

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